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[SecListe]The mystery of Duqu Framework solved


The mystery of Duqu Framework solved

<h2>The Quest for Identification</h2><p><p>In my <a href="">previous blogpost</a> about the Duqu Framework, I described one of the biggest remaining mysteries about <a href="">Duqu</a> - the oddities of the C&C communications module which appears to have been written in a different language than the rest of the Duqu code. As technical experts, we found this question very interesting and puzzling and we wanted to share it with the community.</p><p><p>The feedback we received exceeded our wildest expectations. We got more than 200 comments and 60+ e-mail messages with suggestions about possible languages and frameworks that could have been used for generating the Duqu Framework code. We would like to say  a big ‘Thank you!’ to everyone who participated in this quest to help us identify the mysterious code.</p><p><p>Let us review the most popular suggestions we got from you:</p><p><ul> <li>Variants of LISP</li> <li>Forth</li> <li>Erlang</li> <li>Google Go</li> <li>Delphi</li> <li>OO C</li> <li>Old compilers for C++ and other languages</li> </ul>
Source: The mystery of Duqu Framework solved


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